Raw Powder Steroid Hormone Testosterone Isocaproate For Muscle strengthen 15262-86-9
- ProName: Testosteron Isocaproat / test isocap…
- CasNr: 15262-86-9
- Molekularformel: C25H38O3
- Aussehen: Off white crystalline powder
- Anwendung: Pharmaindustrie
- Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tage nach der Zahlung
- Paket: (1). 1-10kg / Folienbeutel (2). 25kg / d…
- Produktionskapazität: 1000 Kilogramm/Monat
- Reinheit: 99%
- Lagerung: Store in cool & trockener Platz
- Transport: 1.Air Courier Express Door to Door Ser…
- LimitNum: 1 Kilogram
- Verwandte Substanzen: <0.1%
- Glührückstand: <0.1%
- Schwermetall: <1ppm
- Valid Period: 24 Monate
testosterone isocaproate is used to improve testosterone deficiencies such as hypogonadism and sexual dysfunction with limited side effects.
testosterone isocaproate is a piece of adrenal cortical hormone drugs, Antiphlogistikum, applies to ianti-virus, Anti – allergy. compared with other similar drugs, it has no side effects, you can rest assured that use
as with all forms of testosterone, testosterone isocaproate will cause weight and strength gain, fat loss, a libido increase, an increase in igf-1 levels, red blood cell count, and of course increased recovery from training. testosterone isocaproatewill also convert to estrogen and dihydrotestosterone, causing possible water retention and gynocomastia as well as acne and hairloss, beziehungsweise.
test items |
Spezifikation |
test results |
Aussehen |
weißes oder fast weißes kristallines Pulver |
Testgegenstände |
loss on drying |
≦0.5% |
0.34% |
melting point |
139-141 °c |
139-140 °c |
(HPLC)Test |
97-103.0% |
99.08% |
free acid |
0.5%max |
0.31% |
conclusion |
the aboye product conforms analysis standard |
entsprechen |
Before we take Testosterone Isocaproate, we should know what it is and how does it work. Testosteron Isocaproat ist ein Hormon, das überwiegend in den Hoden von Männern produziert wird. Es ist das Hormon, das dafür verantwortlich ist, Männern ihre spezifischen sexuellen Eigenschaften zu verleihen. Transdermales Testosteron imitiert die natürliche rhythmische Freisetzung von Testosteron durch den Körper durch ein zeitverzögertes Pflaster. Testosterone Isocaproate wird verwendet, um Testosteronmangel wie Hypogonadismus und sexuelle Dysfunktion mit begrenzten Nebenwirkungen zu verbessern. It is now becomes the most used raw steroid powders among bodybuilders and athletes.
Testosteron-Serie |
Testosteron-Basis |
Testosteronacetat |
Testosteron Cypionat |
Testosteron Enanthate |
Testosteron Decanoat |
Testosteronpropionat |
Testosteron Isocaproat |
Testosteron Undecanoat |
Testosteron phenylpropionat |
1- Testosteron |
1- Testosteron Cypionat |
Sustanon 250 |
Turinabol |
Oral Turinabol |
Mesterolon (Proviron) |
Methyltestosteron (M-1-T) |
Trestolon |
Trestolonacetat (Ment) |
Trestolon Decanoat |
Fluoxymesteron (Halotestin) |
17 Alpha-Methyl-Testosteron |
Nandrolone-Serie |
Nandrolon-Basis |
Nandrolon Decanoat (KINDER) |
Nandrolonphenylpropionat (KKW) |
Stanolone |
Mestanolon |
Methenolon-Enanthat |
Dehydronandrolon |
Nandrolon undecylat |
Nandroloncypionat |
Trenbolon-Serie |
Trenbolon-Basis |
Trenbolonacetat (Finaplix) |
Trenbolon Enanthate |
Trenbolon Hexahydrobenzylcarbonat |
Metribolon (Methyltrienolon) |
Boldenone-Serie |
Boldenon-Basis |
Boldenon-Undecylenat (Gleichgewicht) |
Boldenonacetat |
Boldenon Cypionat |
Drostanolon-Reihe |
Drostanolonpropionat (Masteron) |
Drostanolon Enanthate |
Methenolon-Reihe |
Methenolonacetat (Primobolan) |
Methenolon Enanthate |