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  • No Side Effects Raw Steroid Powders Test Cypionate For Cutting / Bulking Cycle

    Andere Hot-Sale-Produkte (Rohpulver)
    Modell-Nr : 58-20-8
    Zertifizierung : GMP,EP,BP
    Herkunftsort : China Source
    MOQ : 100g ( Zur Musterbestellung kann die Menge auf 10 g gesenkt werden)
    Preis : verhandelbar
    Zahlungsbedingungen : Western Union, MoneyGram, T/T
    Lieferfähigkeit : 1000kg/Woche
    Lieferzeit : Innerhalb von 48 Stunden versenden ,5 -8 Werktage für die Lieferung
    Verpackungsinformationen : Diskrete Verpackung nach Ihren Wünschen
    Produktname : Quality raws steroid powders test cypionate side effects review for cutting and bulking
    Verwandte Produkte : Testosteron, Testosteronpropionat, Testosteron Cypionat, Testosteron-Mischung, Testosteron Isocaproat, Testosteron Enanthate, Testosteron Decanoat, Testosteronacetat
    Kategorie : Raw steroid powders
    Funktion : bulking and cutting cycle
    Test CYP Effective Dose (Männer) : 300-2000mg+ week
    Ship to : Vereinigtes Königreich, sweden, Finland, Ascension, France, USA, Österreich, Thailand, Estonia and worldwide
    Anderer Name : test cyp, test cyp injection cycle, testosterone cypionate powder
    • Spezifikationen

    No Side Effects Raw Steroid Powders Test Cypionate For Cutting / Bulking Cycle

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., GmbH. ist ein großes High-Tech-Chemieunternehmen, das sich auf Feinchemikalien spezialisiert hat, Pharmazeutische Rohstoffe und Zwischenprodukte. Die Fabrik des Unternehmens hat die ISO9001-Qualitätssystemzertifizierung und die internationale KOSHER-Zertifizierung bestanden. Als Marktführer für Steroid-Rohpulver, injizierbare und orale Flüssigkeiten, Fertigprodukte und Peptide seit Jahren, HongKong Blue Universal Co., Begrenzt. Ziel ist es, einen großen Marktanteil in den USA zu erobern, Kanada, Vereinigtes Königreich, Brasilien, Niederlande, Irland, Neuseeland, Österreich, Australien, Deutsch und weltweit. Qualität ist unser Leben! Alle Produkte werden im aseptischen Labor nach GMP-Standard hergestellt. Genehmigt von der ISO 9001: 2008 und ISO14001: 2004. Neben, Wir haben ein komplettes Q. EIN. & Q. C. System. Wir besitzen autorisierte Sätze von Analyseinstrumenten, wie HPLC, GC und UV-Spektralphotometer zur Analyse und Kontrolle der Produkte.
    oben, Stabile und zuverlässige Qualität ist garantiert! Mit so vielen Jahren Erfahrung in der individuellen Gestaltung diskreter Verpackungen, Wir wissen genau, wie Sie Ihr Paket verpacken müssen und welcher Express je nach Ihrer Bestellung und Ihrem Standort empfohlen werden sollte. Unterschiedliche Pakete und unterschiedliche Spediteure ändern sich regelmäßig, Bei keinem Schritt ist ein Risiko zulässig, Sie werden versprochen, alle Pakete zu erhalten 100%! Darüber hinaus, da wir in Hongkong ansässig sind, eine Freihandelszone, Wir haben einen großen Vorteil in der kurzen Lieferzeit und der sicheren Geldüberweisung. Wir heißen alle Arten der Zusammenarbeit auf der ganzen Welt herzlich willkommen. Wir sind bereit, Ihnen allen die beste Qualität und den besten Service zu bieten!

    Testosterone is widely considered to be the absolute safest of all anabolic steroids, and rightly so. This is because Testosterone is the number one primary anabolic steroid manufactured endogenously by the human body, and therefore it is what the human body is accustomed to the most. jedoch, this is not to say that Testosterone comes without its share of side effects. The positive side to this is that the side effects resultants from Testosterone are very easily manageable and there exist no unknown or ‘surprise’ side effects of Testosterone. Testosterone Cypionate being an esterified variant of Testosterone obviously falls into the same pit of potential side effects.

    Estrogenic Side Effects

    Testosterone is very easily aromatized by the aromatase enzyme, which results in its moderate level of Estrogenic activity in the body. Testosterone Cypionate side effects hold the same obvious risk. As with the nature of all side effects, the severity of aromatization or the severity of Estrogenic side effects is directly related to the dose of Testosterone Cypionate used, and increasingly higher and higher doses used will result in a greater incidence and severity of Estrogen related side effects. It therefore goes without saying that bodybuilding doses of Testosterone (250mg per week or greater) will elicit greater amounts of aromatization as the dose is incidentally increased. One manner in which an invidiual can deal with the issue of increasing Estrogen levels is through the use of an aromatase inhibitor (such as Aromasin or Arimidex), which is an ancillary compound that serves to disable the aromatase enzyme, thereby putting a stop to rising Estrogen levels at the root cause. This would serve to eliminate water retention and any other related Estrogenic side effects. A secondary method of dealing with specific Estrogenic side effects (specifically, gynecomastia) is through the use of a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) such as Nolvadex. SERMs serve to block the activity of Estrogen in breast tissue, thereby preventing its ability to initiate the growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia). It should be noted, jedoch, that the use of a SERM does not reduce total serum Estrogen levels in the body and will therefore not eliminate water retention or any other Estrogenic side effects aside from gynecomastia. Estrogenic side effects include: water retention and bloating, blood pressure elevations (as a result of the water retention), increased possible fat retention/gain, und Gynäkomastie

    Androgenic Side Effects

    Androgenic side effects are indeed an inclusion in the list of Testosterone Cypionate side effects. Testosterone being the human body’s primary androgenic hormone will cause androgenic side effects to become more pronounced as doses rise. Testosterone also converts into the far stronger androgen Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by way of the 5-alpha reductase (5AR) enzyme, which is located in various tissues in the body (the prostate, scalp, and skin). It is through the conversion to DHT where the majority of more severe androgenic side effects tend to manifest. Ancillary drugs such as Proscar or Dutasteride can be utilized to effectively inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and thereby eliminate DHT at the root of its cause. This will not, jedoch, eliminate androgenic side effects due to the fact that Testosterone itself possesses an androgenic strength rating of 100 and will still act as an androgen in various tissues throughout the body. A second option exists only for the defense against androgen-triggered male pattern baldness, which involves the topical use of Nizoral 2% shampoo. Nizoral contains the active ingredient Ketoconazole, which acts as an androgen blocker wherever it is topically applied (to the scalp, or on various areas of the skin where androgen-related acne may occur). Androgenic side effects generally include: increased sebum secretion (ölige Haut), increased bouts of acne (linked to increased sebum secretion), bodily and facial hair growth, and the increased risk of triggering Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) in individuals that possess the genetic trait required for the condition to manifest itself.

    Testosterone Cypionate Profile

    Testosterone cypionate is one of the many synthetic versions of testosterone. It is the second most popular testosterone variant after another synthetic version, Testosteron Enantat. It is usually delivered to the body in the form of an oil-soluble intramuscular injection. In this form, it is called DEPO-Testosterone.

    In powder form, Testosterone cypionate is creamy white with nearly no odor. It is stable in air and dissolves in alcohol, vegetable oil, Äther, and chloroform but does not dissolve in water.

    Testosterone cypionate is basically esterified testosterone, so it has increased lipid solubility. Nearly 90% of an injection is excreted in urine as sulfuric acid and glucuronic acid conjugates of testosterone and its related metabolites. It is not recommended for individuals under 18 years of age. Ebenfalls, it should not be used by women, especially those who are pregnant, because it may cause damage to the fetus.

    Testosterone cypionate is used as a replacement for natural testosterone in men, who are suffering from low testosterone levels. It is a prescription drug and legally speaking, it can be given only when testosterone deficiency has been confirmed through symptoms or blood tests. The body cannot store testosterone, which means if you are suffering from a deficiency you will have to continue taking these injections at regular intervals and in proper doses. Apart from individuals who are suffering from low levels of testosterone, it is also used by many athletes and body builders for its anabolic properties.

    Testosterone cypionate can help promote fat loss, increase sex drive, help in gaining muscle mass, and increase the density of bone. Like testosterone, Testosterone cypionate also has an anabolic and androgenic rating of 100. It has a long half-life and a slow release rate of about 8-10 Tage. It is similar to Testosterone enanthate in its effect and you can even switch between them.

    History of Testosterone Cypionate

    Testosterone Cypionate was first introduced as a prescription drug in the US market in the 1950s by a company called Upjohn. It was initially marketed under the name of Depo-Testosterone and is still US, it is preferred over Testosterone enanthate, which is more of an international product.

    Upjohn is producing Depo-Testosterone for more than 50 years after the drug was first launched. Many American athletes and bodybuilders from the 1960s, the 70s, and the 80s preferred to use Testosterone cypionate over Testosterone enanthate, for no reason other than to support an American product. There is also a slight difference in the half-lives of the two types of testosterones. Testosterone cypionate has a longer half-life when compared to Testosterone enanthate. Apart from this, there is no difference between the two.

    The approved medical use of Testosterone cypionate was narrowed down in the 1970s, along with many other anabolic steroids. The FDA has indicated Depo-testosterone for use in testosterone replacement therapy only. Its use was narrowed down even more considering that it was not suitable for women and children and there were better steroids likePrimobolan and Anavar available for them. It has also been tested as a birth control drug for males, at a weekly dose of 200 mg.

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