Modell Nr.: Dsip
Delivery Day: Über 3-7 Working Day
Kurier: DHL, EMS, Fedex, TNT, Aramex etc
Funktion: Muskelzuwachs
Warenzeichen: JC
Transportpaket: Disguised Package or Foil Bag
Spezifikation: 2mg/Fläschchen, 10vial/kit
Herkunft: China
HS-Code: 29061310
Delta-Schlaf-induzierendes Peptid, abgekürzt DSIP, ist ein Neuropeptid, das bei Infusion in den mesodienzephalen Ventrikel von Empfängerkaninchen die Spindel- und Delta-EEG-Aktivität sowie eine reduzierte motorische Aktivität induziert.
Delta sleep-inducing peptide was first discovered in 1974 by the Swiss Schoenenberger-Monnier group who isolated it from the cerebral venous blood of rabbits in an induced state of sleep. It was primarily believed to be involved in sleep regulation due to its apparent ability to induce slow-wave sleep in rabbits, but studies on the subject have been contradictory.
Es wurde sowohl in freier als auch in gebundener Form im Hypothalamus gefunden, limbisches System und Hypophyse sowie verschiedene periphere Organe, tissues and body fluids. In the pituitary it co-localises with many peptide and non-peptide mediators such as corticotropin-like intermediate peptide (CLIP), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and melanin concentrating hormone (MCH). It is abundant in the gut secretory cells and in the pancreas where it co-localises with glucagon.