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Rohes Steroidpulver

» Rohes Steroidpulver

Healthy Anabolic Raw Powder Good Effect Bodybuilding Steroid Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin76-43-7

Rohes Steroidpulver

Halotestin CAS: 76-43-7
Halotestin EINECS: 200-961-8
Halotestin Molekülformeln: C20H29FO3
Halotestin Molekulargewicht: 336.44
Halotestin-Assay: 99% Mindest.
Halotestin-Verpackung: Folienbeutel oder Dose.
Halotestin-Lieferung: Express-Kurier.
Halotestin-Charakter: weißes kristallines Pulver. Schmp. 240 °C, Brechungsindex 104°.
Halotestin-Nutzung: pharmazeutisches Material, ein Steroidhormon, Anabolika. Als männliches Hormon und anabole Hormone.

  • Spezifikationen

Healthy Anabolic Raw Powder Good Effect Bodybuilding Steroid Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin76-43-7


Halotestin CAS: 76-43-7
Halotestin EINECS: 200-961-8
Halotestin Molekülformeln: C20H29FO3
Halotestin Molekulargewicht: 336.44
Halotestin-Assay: 99% Mindest.
Halotestin-Verpackung: Folienbeutel oder Dose.
Halotestin-Lieferung: Express-Kurier.
Halotestin-Charakter: weißes kristallines Pulver. Schmp. 240 °C, Brechungsindex 104°.
Halotestin-Nutzung: pharmazeutisches Material, ein Steroidhormon, Anabolika. Als männliches Hormon und anabole Hormone.




When Halotestin first hit the market, it was touted as holding numerous therapeutic benefits. This extremely potent anabolic steroid was prescribed for the treatment of muscle wasting, androgen deficiency in men, lean tissue repair, Unterernährung, and for healing bone fractures. It would also be regularly used to treat prolonged exposure to cortisone, paraplegia, breast cancer and often given to burn victims. Unlike many anabolic steroids, Halotestin was regularly prescribed to men and women, and while its modern day use is somewhat limited it is still used to treat breast cancer in some women. The hormone is still used to treat androgen deficiencies in some men, but it’s rare and is approved for osteoporosis treatment in some postmenopausal women.


In the bodybuilding world Halotestin is considered a very popular choice for power lifters and strength athletes; jedoch, it is also a great hardener and cutter steroid for bodybuilders, although the side effects may make the benefits counter productive (more on that later). Those that use halo will report an increase in strength very quickly without water weight being put on, this is due to the ridiculous anabolic and androgenic ratio’s. On paper halo is almost 20X more anabolic than testosterone and is almost 10X more androgenic.

Fluoxymesterone Usage:

Fluoxymesterone is an anabolic steroid with androgenic activity. Fluoxymesterone is used in the treatment of male hypogonadism. Fluoxymesterone showed antitumor effects on pregnancy-dependent mammary tumors TPDMT-4.


Stimulates erythropoesis and cell respiration treatment of male hypogonadismdelayed puberty in males, managing metastatic breast cancer in menopausal women.


Fluoxymesteron, ein androgenes Hormon, ähnelt dem männlichen Hormon Testosteron. Fluoxymesterone is a man-made form of testosterone, ein natürlich vorkommendes Sexualhormon, das in den Hoden eines Mannes produziert wird. Kleine Mengen Testosteron werden auch in den Eierstöcken und dem Nebennierensystem einer Frau produziert. Es wird Männern verschrieben, wenn dieses Hormon fehlt oder niedrig ist, oder um den verzögerten Beginn der Pubertät bei Männern zu behandeln. Es wird auch bei Frauen mit bestimmten Arten von Brustkrebs angewendet.


Fluoxymesteron Halotestin Cycle


Woche Halotestin Cardarine


1 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 9 caps/day
2 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 9 caps/day
3 30mgs/day 20mgs/day 11 caps/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day 9 caps/day

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3 + 3 = ?

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